Sunday, September 30, 2012

Jelawat fun

What to do when the power goes out?  Eat melting ice cream and play around with flashlights, of course!!

Me trying to get the camera settings right

Rave party!


Isaac looking super spooky
We lost power off and on in the early morning.  Then the power went completely down from about 10am to 2am.

Although we've been through some good sized hurricanes at Camp Lejeune, I don't think we've ever had a direct hit like this.  Video of the wind in the back side of the typhoon:

Here's a car getting tossed through the air (**I updated the link with the original video that gives credit to the Marine, Joseph Nolan, who shot the video on Camp Kinser.)

A link to AFN Okinawa's pictures.  Lots of car damage and effed up sheds (so glad we got ours installed by the Makeman crew!  Definitely worth the extra yen!!)

Hoping this is the last big storm of the season.  Although we got a lucky break and missed three typhoons being away in Oregon, I just don't feel like doing this again any time soon.

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